Hepsi İnterview


Group Hepsi, Gülçin of people were left with 3. 3 people running after them on the path to the Group, in many concerts and events, with fans came together. 3 person of the group remain, Hepsi'ye not reduce the love, just the opposite, a fan of them showed more interest and has held concerts in the gush.

All Group, responded to questions about Gülçin. In the minds of people, the questions about this issue, one has the answer. And all open to each other's company Gülçin Stardium'un the cases reflected in the press and various information about this case was given to people. In the month of May has been postponed and the case of drop-2nd time to do all of the trial should have learned all fans.

Group Hepsi, all the above and more for the development, did an interview with Hurriyet. This is the entire interview, http://www.hepsix.com/
'was also published in Turkish and English. You can read the interview and the development of all members to learn about the ideas, please click on the link below.

Not: Yukarıdaki yazı, "Hepsi röportajı" başlıklı yazının ingilizcesidir.

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