Gülçin, the new album is doing!


Hepsi the paths separating the Gülçin Group, announced the new album will do. Due to various reasons and one who left Hepsi'den will never again return to describing the plan Gülçin's then appeared to be solo album.

The new album also reported about çalişmalara When Gülçin out of the album will not win is still a focus.

The forthcoming album, the sales figures will also wonder how the. Hepsi Group's interests scramble scramble giderken albums, Gülçin's still uncertain how to get the album to maintain the interest.

To be remembered; Gülçin, but still a fan of the group is divided Hepsi'den have to support Hepsi'ye said.

Not: Yukarıdaki yazı, "Gülçin, yeni albüm yapıyor!" başlıklı yazının ingilizcesidir.

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